Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Things gets interesting, Storm Possiblity on the way

Wind is blowing hard on my window right now with cold rain dropping down, a flash freeze is in the forecast through the next 24 hours with temperature dropping from 4 degrees to -8 degrees in a span of less than 12 hours in Toronto, things could be even more dramatic Northwest of GTA.

An Alberta Clipper will move across southern Ontario is set for this weekend, a general 2-8 cm is expected, this one looks so similar to the previous one which still hold the record amount of snowfall this season so far in GTA.

Things get a little more interesting after that, models are pretty consistent in bringing a bigger clipper drawing gulf moiture, this could be very interesting setup due to the warm moist air meeting with the coldest arctic airmass so for this season, which could bring a sharp contrast in temperature, air pressure and wind between the warm sector and the cold sector. All sighs are pointing towards a very big storm in the 10th to 14th period. This is where things gets blurry. We could have a lake cutter bringing substantial rain and 10 degrees temperature or -20 degrees and nothing with the storm going coastal. Models shows the diffrence between 10 degrees Celcius is just 100km away!

The only thing preventing me from posting a storm possiblity is the time period, still a good 6-10 days away from this mess, I am certain a storm of some form will take place in the eastern half of North America, but don't ask me anything more than that!

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