Saturday, November 28, 2009

Back to another season of fun!

Yeah, I kinda faded away quite a while the last 8 month or so. I would not go in detail about the personal issues I was dealing with over the time period. Hey, I'm back now!

If anybody is wondering about my winter forecast, I've explained a little in the accuweather forum about how things went horribly wrong. I still made some small predictions and if you want to check that out, just visit this thread:

Before I talk about anything exciting, let me tell you about some small adjustments that I will make this winter:

- Last winter, I tend to overestimate the amounts, this year, with more experience in my belt, I think I got that settled.

- I am planning to run this blog year long from today on, meaning I will not fade away as the winter season fades away.

-Due to the time restraints this year, my forecasts will not be as detailed as last year but more straight to the point.

-Expanding into Southern Quebec

That is all I have to say for now, but I'll be back in a few hours because we have a storm to talk about!(That's right!)

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